HomeCoronavirusVaccine Pass, 'Smart Health Card', has 'Quietly' Rolled Out in the US

Vaccine Pass, ‘Smart Health Card’, has ‘Quietly’ Rolled Out in the US

Even as the omicron variant loosens its grip on the world, destinations continue to require travelers to show proof of vaccination. And, increasingly, a paper CDC vaccination card is not cutting it.

For the past 2 years, the coronavirus pandemic has been the highlight of mainstream news day in and day out. So much so that even I had gotten tired of hearing and following news about it despite me having written about it so frequently.

That is, until the recent crisis in Ukraine. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, our focus quickly shifted to that. This also occurred in tandem with many countries, states, and provinces rolling back mandates and lockdowns, almost as if covid never existed to begin with.

Despite the fact that primary attention is being given to the war between Russia and Ukraine (and rightfully so), one must remember that the war is not the only thing occurring. There’s still much going on in the background and a great example of that is the “Smart Health Card”, a type of Covid Health Pass that I have so often talked about already.

The pass was developed by the “Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights,” (Forbes). I point out the VCI because I wrote an article about this initiative around this time last year not really knowing what role they may play in the future.

According to Forbes, although the US does not have an official covid health pass, the Smart Health Card has “quietly” emerged as the national standard with 21 states including DC and Puerto Rico already offering access to it. Over 100 “major health systems and hospital groups across the country” also offers access to it. It’s also seeing increasing adoption internationally,

To wit: Every Canadian province has now adopted SMART Health Card verification, as has Aruba, the Cayman Islands, Singapore and Japan. And in Africa, the SMART Health Card has rolled out in Kenya and Rwanda, just the first of 32 African countries in the ‘Smart Africa’ alliance to adopt a digital-first approach to healthcare records. (Forbes)

The article notes an increasing interest in an international approach with this technology, “‘And at an international level, we are continuing to see intense interest in a coordinated international approach,’ says [Dr. Brian] Anderson [co-founder of the VCI and chief digital health physician at MITRE]. ‘And that has not diminished at all. I think quite the opposite…’Vaccination verification will be increasingly important at an international level,’ Anderson says. ‘And so if we want to enable all of our citizens from every state to be able to participate in the safe travel across international boundaries and to participate in international commerce, it’d be important for our government officials from every state to enable this,'” (Forbes).

This eventual move to coordinate this digital health pass technology (which is ultimately a digital id) has been something I’ve mentioned in the below articles.

At first this technology started within individual nations, states, provinces, cities, as they created their own passes. But the problem with that (as they themselves note) is that it then becomes difficult to bring these separate systems and technologies together effectively. Solution? A global digital identification pass which we’ve seen being called for since 2020. Now, I wonder what that could possibly set the stage for?

smart health card
Image via Forbes

Ultimately I believe this type of system that’s being worked towards is both laying the groundwork for and conditioning people to be ready for what’s coming down the line – the mark of the beast. From what we read in Revelation 13:16-17, the Antichrist will have control over everyone on earth and the only way that could be achieved is through a global system and we are seeing this being set up now whether it’s through this vaccination passport system, digital currency, or just plain global governance

From scripture, we’re clearly given the context as to when the mark of the beast will come to ultimate fruition – during the 7 year tribulation. Before the tribulation even starts, the antichrist must first be revealed and confirm a covenant for a “week” (7 years).

Until the “beast” himself shows up on the world stage, there will be no mark of the beast and I make this clear in my article, Does the Mark of the Beast Currently Exist?. However, as we see technology and ideas that seem to be laying the groundwork for the mark of the beast system, it should show us how close this portion of the bible is to being fulfilled, and even closer, the rapture of the church.

A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board

Forbes: While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged. To date, 21 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico offer accessibility to the SMART Health Card, a verifiable digital proof of vaccination developed through the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI), a global coalition of public and private stakeholders including Microsoft, Salesforce, Oracle, the Mayo Clinic and other health and tech heavyweights.

And very soon, at least four more states will be rolling out access to SMART Health Cards. “We’ve seen a notable uptick in states that have officially launched public portals where individuals can get verifiable vaccination credentials in the form of SMART Health Cards with a QR code,” says Dr. Brian Anderson, co-founder of the VCI and chief digital health physician at MITRE. 

There is already an impressively widespread availability of SMART Health Cards in the U.S. More than 200 million Americans can now download, print or store their vaccination records as a QR code.

When the QR code is pulled up, only the individual’s name, date of birth and vaccination information is visible. No other medical information or personal data is shared. This code is also digitally signed to ensure that the card was issued from a verified location and to prevent forgery.

For individuals, the benefits of having access to personal digital vaccine record is three-fold. First, it’s a huge plus for travel in the U.S. and abroad.

Many indoor cultural attractions and performance venues in the U.S. require proof of vaccination. “We believe it gives people peace of mind when the folks around them are less likely to be contagious,” says Gus Warren, CEO of Bindle, a health verification app that allows venues to verify the vaccination status of patrons.

Bindle’s growing list of clients spans more than 30 states, from blue strongholds like California and New York to red leaners like Texas, Florida, Arkansas, Missouri and Georgia. At the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., for example, there’s a Bindle lane that offers fastpass-like efficiency in scanning QR codes from a number of vaccine verification platforms used around the world.

“The SMART Health Card is such an important development and the Vaccine Credential Initiative has been phenomenal in getting this out there,” says Warren, noting that while Bindle recognizes several interoperable standards, the SMART Health Card has emerged as the most important. “Absolutely, it has become the standard across the U.S. and North America.” Read More


  1. A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board (February 24th, 2022) – Forbes
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.


  1. Impressed by your presentations brother, your .reporting and your message for the lost of the Saviour – Lord Jesus Christ.
    yes…. the Beast system is being prepared by other less revealing imposing conditions.

    • Thank you for taking the time to read the article! I’m glad that it was a blessing to you, all glory to God!

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