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Defying the Status Quo, Jewish Prayer on the Temple Mount Sharply Increases Under New Government

Defying a decades-long political arrangement, Israeli authorities are enabling an unprecedented rise in Jewish prayer at the Jerusalem holy site.

In a very interesting turn of events, we’re seeing a dramatic increase in the number of Jews being able to go to the temple mount to pray. For those not sure as to why this bears any significance, keep in mind that the current status quo surrounding the temple mount is that it’s under the control of Jordan.

For the most part only Muslims are allowed to pray on the temple mount and for many many years any deviation from this agreed norm has fueled fears of uproar from the Muslim world. With that understanding, one can see how the temple mount is a highly contested piece of real estate in Jerusalem.

The Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock (Al-Sakhra) are located, is one of the most contested places in Israel-Palestine. Since Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967, an arrangement between Israel and the Islamic Waqf, the Jordanian religious caretaker of the compound, accords that only Muslims are allowed to worship in the compound, while Jews will pray at the Western Wall. (972 Magazine)

But what we’re now seeing in Israel is the status quo being challenged as an increasing number of Jews go to the temple mount to pray, “According to statistics published by Yaraeh, an Israeli organization that promotes Jewish entry to and prayer on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, around 10,000 Jews have entered the compound over the past three months — a 35 percent increase compared to previous years,” (972 Magazine).

The article goes on by listing more figures concerning this increasing growth, “Yaraeh’s data also shows that in August, the proportion of Jews who entered the compound was 85 percent higher than in the same month in 2020, and 137 percent higher than in August 2019. In July of this year, the number of Jews who entered the compound was 76 percent higher than in July 2020,” (972 Magazine).

If these figures didn’t surprise you, consider that the very police that are stationed at the compound in order to keep this status quo in place are doing the exact opposite by “easing restrictions on Jewish prayer at the compound; Jewish worshippers have also been filmed being allowed to pray freely on the mount as police officers look on,” (972 Magazine).

The article goes on to note that although there was a steady increase of this occurring while Benjamin Netanyahu was Prime Minister, the sharp increase began under the new Bennett-Lapid government who they noted to have a made a statement that affirmed the right of Jews to have “freedom of worship” on the temple mount. At this point I’m sure you understand why this is significant but may be asking why it’s significant to us as believers. Here’s why,

In October, the Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court overturned a 15-day police ban against Aryeh Lipo, a leading Temple Movement activist, from the site after he was seen praying there. Lipo is part of a broader religiously fundamentalist movement that seeks to encourage and normalize Jewish prayer at the site, with the hopes that one day a Jewish Temple will be rebuilt there. (972 Magazine)

Ultimately, the reason I’m bringing this news to you is due to how it relates to the third temple. This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about the temple mount and its significance related to the third temple in the eyes of religious Jews. A few articles on this below:

How some religious Jews see this is that as they gain more freedom to worship on the temple mount, it then follows that they will have more freedom to pursue building a temple on the mount. Due to this, it’s very much worth paying attention to to see how this may continue to develop in the months to come.

Ten years ago, even five years ago, such things could not have happened,” says Hagit Ofran, the Director of Peace Now’s Settlement Watch team, of the recent increase in Jewish visitors. “Jews could not hold prayers [at the compound]. The Israeli police prevented this. They would intervene and prevent Jews from performing religious prayers or ceremonies while visiting the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque.” (972 Magazine)

The temple mount has been something we’ve been keeping our eyes on for years now due to its prophetic significance in relation to the building of the third temple and how it essentially acts as a prophetic time marker. I explain this further in my article, What’s the Prophetic Significance of the Third Temple? It’s this third temple that must be standing at least by the midpoint of the tribulation. Therefore, as we see an increase in these types of events relating to the third temple it should show us how close the beginning of the tribulation is, and even closer, the rapture of the church which precedes it.

The Temple Mount movement is soaring under Israel’s new government

972 Magazine: Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif in the Old City of Jerusalem — considered the holiest side in Judaism and one of the holiest in Islam — in violation of a fragile, decades-long “status quo” at the compound. Yet over the past few months, and particularly since the establishment of the Bennett-Lapid government, the number of Jews who have entered the compound has reportedly grown dramatically.

According to statistics published by Yaraeh, an Israeli organization that promotes Jewish entry to and prayer on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, around 10,000 Jews have entered the compound over the past three months — a 35 percent increase compared to previous years.

Yaraeh’s data also shows that in August, the proportion of Jews who entered the compound was 85 percent higher than in the same month in 2020, and 137 percent higher than in August 2019. In July of this year, the number of Jews who entered the compound was 76 percent higher than in July 2020. 

Yaraeh’s statistics account for both visits to the compound as well as prayers and Torah lessons at the site, which did not take place before, and which violate the so-called status quo.

The Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, where Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock (Al-Sakhra) are located, is one of the most contested places in Israel-Palestine. Since Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967, an arrangement between Israel and the Islamic Waqf, the Jordanian religious caretaker of the compound, accords that only Muslims are allowed to worship in the compound, while Jews will pray at the Western Wall. 

Over the past few months, however, Israeli police have been reportedly easing restrictions on Jewish prayer at the compound; Jewish worshippers have also been filmed being allowed to pray freely on the mount as police officers look on. While such incidents slowly grew in frequency in recent years under the previous Netanyahu governments, the sharp rise in the past few months has been noticeable.

It seems to be no coincidence that this dramatic increase is happening under the new Bennett-Lapid government. In mid-July, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett published a statement that seemed to affirm the right of Jews to “freedom of worship” at the mount, leading to severe condemnations by Muslim and Arab leaders.

In October, the Jerusalem Magistrates’ Court overturned a 15-day police ban against Aryeh Lipo, a leading Temple Movement activist, from the site after he was seen praying there. Lipo is part of a broader religiously fundamentalist movement that seeks to encourage and normalize Jewish prayer at the site, with the hopes that one day a Jewish Temple will be rebuilt there. Read More


  1. The Temple Mount movement is soaring under Israel’s new government (December 6th, 2021) – 972 Magazine
  2. Find a few more articles with Jews becoming more active on the temple mount in recent months
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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