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Biden Administration Laying Groundwork to Expand Abraham Accords

The Biden administration is laying the groundwork for a renewed push to encourage more Arab countries to sign accords with Israel and working to strengthen existing deals after last month’s devastating war in the Gaza Strip interrupted those diplomatic efforts.

In a surprising twist (at least to me) we’re learning that the Biden administration is planning to expand the Abraham Accords which was originally started under the Trump administration. The initiative was largely applauded last year but I wasn’t expecting the Biden administration to try to continue this through. Instead I was thinking the opposite would occur.

As important as this is I believe there are other things we should be paying attention to along with this. In April we were introduced to a piece of legislation known as the “Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021” designed to “encourage, strengthen, and expand the Abraham Accords for a period of five years” (Unsealed).

Those of us who are familiar with Daniel 9:27 should see the five years being stipulated here as something worth paying attention to. Below are some highlights from this legislation. I’ll get into why some of the points here are significant later in the article:

  • SEC. 2. FINDINGS. (3) – The recent peace and normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab states—the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco—have the potential to fundamentally transform the security, diplomatic, and economic environment in the Middle East and North Africa and advance vital United States national security interests.
  • SEC. 2. FINDINGS. (4) – These historic agreements could help advance peace between Israel, the Arab states, and relevant countries and regions , further diplomatic openings, and enhance efforts towards a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in two states—a democratic Jewish state of Israel and a viable, democratic Palestinian state—living side by side in peace, security, and mutual recognition.
  • SEC. 8. SUNSET – This Act shall cease to be effective on the date that is 5 years after the date of the enactment of this Act.

Then in May we also learned that Jared Kushner who had a significant role in this process launched a peace institute to advance the Abraham Accords, “Jared Kushner has launched an institute to promote his major accomplishment when he advised his father-in-law, former US President Donald Trump: the normalization agreements between Israel and a number of Sunni Arab countries…The institute will promote trade, tourism and people-to-people exchanges between Israel and the Arab countries.” (The Times of Israel).

Why should we care about the Abraham Accords and these ongoing efforts to further expand it? In the two articles below I elaborated on my thoughts concerning the Accord as well as it’s possible significance in relation to bible prophecy. I firmly believe that agreements like this may likely be setting the stage for the Daniel 9:27 covenant to be made.

This covenant will be confirmed for a “week” or 7 years which will kick off the tribulation period. This is why a timeline of 5 years as given in the Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021 is incredibly intriguing. It’s not the covenant but it would be interesting to see how the piece of legislation may progress and if the 5 years may be altered to something else. Along with Daniel 9:27, we’re also seeing the increased set up for the Ezekiel 38-39 war.

What we’re seeing with the accords is an increased call for peace in the Middle East as well as Israel reaping economic benefits. In Ezekiel 38 we’re informed of Israel’s state of being when several nations including modern day Russia, Iran, and Turkey come against it.

After many days you will be visited. In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely. You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you. Thus says the Lord God: ‘On that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will arise in your mind, and you will make an evil plan: You will say, I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates— to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations, who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land. Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all their young lions will say to you, Have you come to take plunder? Have you gathered your army to take booty, to carry away silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods, to take great plunder?’ (Ezekiel 38:8-13)

Ezekiel 38:8 and Ezekiel 38:11 shows us that Israel will be dwelling “safely” when this invasion occurs against it and that the people there are “peaceful”. The next important piece to this is why exactly are the nations coming against Israel? “To take plunder and to take booty” (Ezekiel 38:12). For this to occur we must infer that at this time Israel must also be a prosperous nation.

For other nations to want to come against it for material gain of some kind, it presupposes an Israel that has something valuable to take in the first place. Interestingly, these peace agreements are being hailed as bringing about a more prosperous and safe Middle East, and of course Israel would be a part of this prosperity and safety.

Lastly, we see a few nations protesting this invasion. Included is Sheba and Dedan, or modern day Saudi Arabia who is currently on friendly terms with Israel and is also expected to sign an agreement with Israel in the future.

For nations to protest against an invasion of Israel, they would have to be on good terms which is what we’re seeing amongst Saudi Arabia and Israel and other Arab nations. Ultimately, as we see the set up for the future fulfillment of bible prophecies being set up right before our eyes concerning events that occur in close proximity to the tribulation, it should tell us that our redemption draws ever so near.

Biden administration laying groundwork for push to expand Abraham Accords

The Times of Israel: The embrace of the so-called Abraham Accords is a rare carryover of a signature Trump administration policy by President Joe Biden and other Democrats.

The Trump administration put US clout and incentives into landing the country-by-country pacts by four Arab states last year, easing enmity and isolation for the Jewish state in the Middle East that had dated back to Israel’s 1948 founding.

The Biden administration saw significant prospects of several other Arab governments signing accords soothing and normalizing relations with Israel. US officials have declined to publicly identify the countries they regard as promising prospects.

Sudan, which signed a general declaration of peaceful intent but has not yet signed on to diplomatic relations with Israel, had been a prospect. Oman, which has a policy of non-interference that allows it to be a broker across the Middle East’s fault lines, long has been seen by Westerners as a likely contender.

But the 11-day war between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers last month has complicated US-backed diplomacy for new Abraham accords.

The fighting “has strengthened the conviction of opponents of normalization” with Israel, activist Doura Gambo said in Sudan. Sudanese were already divided over their government’s agreement last year to become one of the four Arab states signing accords. In Sudan’s case, the Trump administration offered financial relief from US sanctions. Read More


  1. Biden administration laying groundwork for push to expand Abraham Accords (June 10th, 2021) – The Times of Israel
  2. Jared Kushner launches peace institute to advance Abraham Accords (May 5th, 2021) – The Times of Israel
  3. PROPHETIC OVERDRIVE: World Leaders Prepare To Lay The Foundation For The New World Order (March 31st, 2021) – Unsealed
  4. Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021

Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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