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Health Passport Ireland to Support Global COVID-19 Testing

As 2020 winds to a close, things don’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In April I first introduced (at the time) a relatively new system called immunity or health passports. Afterwards, it seemed as if everyone began racing to develop an app or platform that could be used to reintegrate people back into society safely, such as Covi-pass. Then we learned that 3 US universities were adopting China’s social credit system to a develop a contract tracing app.

Mastercard also decided to join the ID2020 initiative to bring about their goals for a universal digital identity while in India, a digital health card system was implemented. Many of these apps or systems are being offered to us as a solution to our coronavirus problem. They give the individual an opportunity to re-enter society safely and efficiently, granted one gets tested or has a record of testing that would give them the “all-clear” to do so. Although this type of system sounds good on paper, for some, privacy may be the least of ones worries.

I believe this kind of health passport system, if eventually wildly used in society and around the world, could serve as a means to essentially “coerce” people to comply to the system. If you don’t get tested and given the “ok” then you won’t be able to go to a restaurant, or buy groceries, or return to work, etc. Now, factor into this the efforts of some to mandate the coronavirus vaccine and you could start to see how such a system can be used.

The vaccine may not need to be mandated but instead this type of system would simply require someone to have a vaccination record in the system. They would just need to make our lives as difficult as possible through various means (i.e fines, disallow services) until we acquiesce; no vaccination, no service. This may sound strange but how would it have sounded if last year someone had told you in the future you would need to wear a mask to be admitted into a restaurant or store?

No mask, no service. Doesn’t sound too far-fetched after all right? So how much more of a jump would this really be? Especially if it’s in our “interest”? This may just be the future that’s on the horizon for us and “Health Passport Ireland” may just be the kind of health passport system we’ll be seeing a lot more of in the near future.

Irish-based ROQU Group launches world-first ‘Health Passport’ digital platform to support increased global COVID-19 testing

From PR Newswire: The Irish-based ROQU Group has announced the pilot launch of Health Passport, a world-first digital platform designed to facilitate increased COVID-19 testing for businesses and the public. Engineered in Ireland, the platform combines the latest digital technologies with highly accurate and validated COVID-19 testing solutions, delivering results in as little as 15 minutes. The platform will enable businesses and individuals to quickly minimise risks related to COVID-19 and ensure they can continue daily activities.

Health Passport is launching with a trial involving a select range of national participants representing a diverse range of industry sectors: healthcare (hospital, nursing home), logistics, agriculture, education, childcare, entertainment, and others.

Supporting businesses, protecting communities

The platform has been developed to help national economies by enabling businesses to remain open through continuous proactive testing of employees, identifying positive results at the earliest stage whilst simultaneously protecting communities by offering increased testing.

“Around the world, there is continued frustration and disappointment due to COVID-19 restrictions,” said Robert Quirke, President and CEO of ROQU Group, at today’s launch.

“Health Passport is designed to put a safety net in place where none currently exists, allowing economies to recover and thrive in a controlled environment,” said Mr Quirke. “It is a world-first innovation, proudly engineered in Ireland to the highest standards, that will enable business and society to finally move forward. The game changer has finally arrived.” Read More

Prophetic Implications

Although this type of health passport system has its alleged benefits, it’s also raising doubts as to the privacy risks it may pose and how it may be abused or used to bar certain citizens who don’t comply from participating in parts of society.

It’s this kind of system the bible warns will come to fruition during the 7 year tribulation. During the tribulation the antichrist will have authority over everyone on earth (Revelation 13:7). A mark of the beast system will also be implemented in which those who don’t possess it will not be able to participate in society (i.e. buy or sell).

When asked about the possibility of a U.S.-Iran war, Putin said it’s a scenario he hopes not to see. ‘It would be a catastrophe, for the region at the very minimum, because it will lead to an increase of violence, and potential increase in refugees from the region,” the Russian president said. “But also, for those who would attempt it, it could have possibly sad consequences.’ (6 – NBC News)

I’m not claiming that this technology is the mark of the beast or that what we’re seeing constitutes as the mark of the beast system as the “beast” or antichrist first needs to be on the world stage before this can even transpire. This does not occur until the Holy Spirit indwelt church is first taken out of the way in the rapture of the church.

I go into detail about this timeline here. However, what I do believe is occurring due to the coronavirus pandemic is that the stage is being set on many levels. This is just one way that I believe society is being conditioned for such a system to be put into place.

Again, as we speak many of us live in areas where we are unable to enter stores to purchase goods without a mask on. Is it possible that sooner or later health passports will be the main method of determining who can enter a public establishment based on testing or vaccination status? As coronavirus also seems to be moving more people, stores, and governments to go cashless, could such a system be integrated with digital currency?

Ultimately, the purpose in keeping track of developments such as these is to show us that we are indeed in the season of the Lord’s return. As I usually express, this is not an isolated “sign” pointing to the times we’re living in preceding the Lord’s return, but that this is one of many things transpiring at the same time like never before. It’s what many of us dub as the “convergence” of signs.

This year alone a one world government was called for to solve our pandemic woes and for one man to lead it while some are also calling for a “great reset”. Big advances are being made in technology such as quantum-dot tattoos that can store vaccination records as well as Google’s “SkinMarks” smart tattoos and Amazon’s palm reader, all seeming to draw one back to Revelation 13:16-17.

Meanwhile 2020 experienced a very active hurricane season along with a busy wildfire season that left parts of the US’ west coast in flames, breaking records. In the Middle East, Bahrain and the UAE have signed the “Abraham Accords” ushering in a “New Middle East” with promises of peace and prosperity at a time where anticipation and preparation for the third temple are also at an all time high.

These are only a few major events over the past few months! As believers, this should excite us as it all points to our soon redemption! If you’re not a believer I encourage you to take these things into consideration and look into the free gift of salvation.


  1. Health Passport Ireland
  2. Irish-based ROQU Group launches world-first ‘Health Passport’ digital platform to support increased global COVID-19 testing (PR Newswire) – August 28th, 2020
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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