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HomeCoronavirusCovi-Pass: Digital Health Passport of the Future?

Covi-Pass: Digital Health Passport of the Future?

Discussion involving the employment of a digital health passport of some kind has grown and we're now seeing governments, healthcare companies, businesses, and startups bring the issue to the forefront. Covi-Pass is one such digital health passport option being looked into.

A few weeks ago I wrote a brief article on the subject of quantum-dot tattoos, cryptocurrency, and immunization passports. At the time I didn’t delve too much into how I believe immunization passports (or now being dubbed “digital health passports”) could be used in society as the coronavirus pandemic wanes.

Since then, discussion involving the employment of a digital health passport of some kind has grown and we’re now seeing governments, healthcare companies, businesses, and startups bring the issue to the forefront. Covi-Pass is one such digital health passport option that’s working its way to the top.

What is Covi-Pass?

From Covi-Pass: COVI-PASS™ is a global bio-science and technology company that has developed a certified return to work protocol in collaboration with global corporations and governments. What truly separates COVI-PASS™ from any other company is the patented VCode® technology from VST Enterprises that is equipped with military-grade encryption.

VCode® has more than 2.2 Quintillion variations of codes to secure a number of scans performed and user login, time, facial recognition, touch ID, geo-fences and handset brand. VST Enterprises technology enables COVI-PASS™ to be used with tests for Ebola, Sars and Mers, and to confirm information related to underlying health issues, ICE details, medication and PPE authorised to the key worker.

COVI-PASS™ is a secure Digital Health Passport which displays your Covid-19 test history and immunoresponse and other relevant health information. COVI-PASS™ can be used as an authenticated gateway for Public Services, Businesses and their key employees to assist in managing a safe workplace. While onboarding a new Healthcare organisation could typically take months, COVI-PASS™ reduces the time to two minutes by enabling instant validation of staff identity details, PPE training and Fit Test assessments.

Immunity Passports and the Perils of Conferring Coronavirus Status

From The New Yorker: In January, a Swedish entrepreneur named Joakim Hultin co-founded Sidehide, a new digital app intended to streamline hotel reservations. Weeks later, some of the first confirmed cases of covid-19 were reported in Europe. Almost instantly, Hultin told me, “demand stopped.” Before the pandemic, Sidehide was working with a London-based company called Onfido, which uses artificial intelligence and facial recognition to verify identities.

In April, Onfido raised a hundred million dollars in venture capital. In a press release announcing the deal, Onfido’s attorneys noted that the pandemic presented the company with the opportunity “to work on a new set of use cases,” which range from “virtual voting and passport/visa applications through to secure ways of carrying out contact tracing to track the spread of a virus without compromising user privacy.”

Recently, Onfido submitted a proposal to members of the U.K. Parliament’s science and technology committee, as they consider ways to lift stay-at-home orders, including the development of immunity passports…Other companies are pitching similar products. covi-Pass is an immunity passport that uses VCode—a proprietary cryptographic image, similar to a QR code—that can be scanned at a distance of a hundred metres.

It will reveal if a person has tested positive for antibodies, flash green if a person has tested negative for the virus, and red if tests show that they have the virus or don’t have antibodies, or if their test result has expired. (A yellow light shows when it’s time to be retested.)

The app can “geo-fence” a point of entry, prohibiting visitors with a red light from entering a building or stadium or school. “I believe that all governments will move toward a global health passport, which will be as common as carrying a driver’s license or a passport, because this is not going to be the last pandemic we have,” Adam Palmer, the C.O.O. of covi-Pass, said.

A recent press release from the company, which is also based in the U.K., states that the passes were in the process of being shipped “to both the private sector and governments in over fifteen countries,” including Italy, France, India, and the United States. Read More

Cyber Company to Supply 50M Health “COVI-PASS(TM)”

From AP: Digital Health Technology firm Circle Pass Enterprises (CPE) has signed a deal with VST Enterprises Ltd (VSTE) the British cyber security company founded by tech entrepreneur Louis-James Davis (31) to integrate its state-of-the-art VCode® & VPlatform® technologies into the COVI-PASS™ Digital Health Passport.

Powered by VST Enterprises groundbreaking cyber security technology VCode® & VPlatform®, Circle Pass Enterprises has contracted with VST Enterprises for a fully secure Digital Health Passport – COVI-PASS™, to be paired with approved testing kits. CPE is to start shipping orders from next week for the first phased release of 50M COVI-PASS™ Digital Health Passports to both the private sector and Governments in over 15 countries, including Italy, Portugal, France, Panama, India, the US, Canada, Sweden, Spain, South Africa, Mexico, United Arab Emirates and The Netherlands.

The COVI-PASS™ Digital Health Passport works on an intelligent colour mapping system (green, amber, red) to authenticate and validate a COVID-19 test providing test history and relevant health information. This allows for accurate data metrics to assess those who have tested positive and negative and the location only of their testing. The COVI-PASS™ Digital Health Passport can be used as an authenticated gateway for Public Services, Businesses and Employees to manage a safe return to work, life, and safe travel. Read More

Commenting on the deal VST Enterprises CEO Louis-James Davis said;

We are delighted to be working with CPE to supply our VCode® & VPlatform® technology and Digital Health Passport to create COVI-PASS™. It is also very encouraging that so many Governments and Enterprises across the world are engaging and using the COVI-PASS™ Health Passport and approved testing kitsWe firmly believe that the digital Health Passport alongside Government approved testing kits is the key to removing the lockdown restrictions in a gradual and controlled way. The current technology being trialed using bluetooth and proximity apps is fundamentally flawed because of its privacy issues of real time tracking, the security and data breaches which we are already seeing and being reported and the reticence for citizens to uptake and download the tracing app.

Prophetic Implications

Although this is an intriguing piece of news it’s also raising privacy concerns for obvious reasons. The company does make it clear they don’t use bluetooth or people’s location data but it still raises fears that people may be treated unfairly due to having a specific coronavirus status.

Not complying with this system could potentially make someone’s life difficult in terms of how they can either be re-introduced into society or participate at all. For those of us familiar with bible prophecy this type of system bears similarities to what we read in Revelation 13:16-17 concerning a mark of the beast system that will be introduced during the 7 year tribulation.

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

The bible paints a picture for us of a future totalitarian system that will control everyone and be able to determine who can participate in society (i.e. buying or selling) based on certain conditions (receiving a mark and worshiping the beast). It tells us of a future that deprives people of their rights and freedoms and those that don’t comply are killed. I believe much of what we’re seeing today is at the very least setting the minds and hearts of people to readily embrace this coming system.

I’ve made my views clear that I believe the coronavirus pandemic is essentially stage setting for the tribulation period. We’ve seen things accelerate to a point we could never imagine months before this pandemic broke out. I want to be clear that I do believe the pandemic is a real threat that many are getting sick and dying from and that we should use common sense and be careful.

But I believe it’s also evident that it’s being used by those in authority to push certain agendas. We’ve seen contact tracing efforts resembling China’s dystopian social credit system, calls to rebuild our world for the “better”, and the employment of systems and regulations that control how people interact in society – where they can or can’t go and what they can or can’t do.

As we witness all these things develop around us, it only means our redemption draws near. These signs and events points to the nearness of the tribulation, and even closer, the rapture of the church!

As believers these things shouldn’t catch us off guard. We should be watching and expecting these things to occur as we are truly living in the last days. Let’s use each and every opportunity we have to share the gospel with those around us and warn others of what’s to come.


  1. Covi-Pass website
  2. Start-ups race to develop Covid-19 immunity passports (May 24th, 2020) – Financial Times
  3. Immunity Passports and the Perils of Conferring Coronavirus Status (May 22nd, 2020) – The New Yorker
  4. Cyber Company to Supply 50M Health “COVI-PASS(TM)” (May 8th, 2020) – AP

Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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