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HomeCoronavirusThe Push Towards Globalism

The Push Towards Globalism

2020 has no doubt been a wild ride from day one. When I worked on my prophetic review article for 2019, I gave my thoughts as to what we could expect in the new year. As someone who studies bible prophecy, the general outlook is to see things continue to “escalate” in severity, intensity, pace, etc as Christ’s return draws near.

Fast forward 4 months into the new year and the majority of the world is locked down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Believers and non-believers alike (to my surprise) are also taking notice as to how the pandemic is being used as a type of “Trojan horse” for other objectives, notably a cashless society, increased surveillance, biometric technologies, and of course a one world government.

The bible clearly tells us there will be a last day’s “kingdom” that will be global in scope and ruled by one man – the antichrist. So should we be surprised when we see a continual push for globalism?

UK’s Former Prime Minister Calls for a Global Government

From the Guardian: Gordon Brown has urged world leaders to create a temporary form of global government to tackle the twin medical and economic crises caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The former Labour prime minister, who was at the centre of the international efforts to tackle the impact of the near-meltdown of the banks in 2008, said there was a need for a taskforce involving world leaders, health experts and the heads of the international organisations that would have executive powers to coordinate the response.

A virtual meeting of the G20 group of developed and developing countries, chaired by Saudi Arabia, will be held on Thursday, but Brown said it would have been preferable to have also included the UN security council. “This is not something that can be dealt with in one country,” he said. “There has to be a coordinated global response.” Brown said the current crisis was different to the one he was involved in. “That was an economic problem that had economic causes and had an economic solution.

“This is first and foremost a medical emergency and there has to be joint action to deal with that. But the more you intervene to deal with the medical emergency, the more you put economies at risk.” Read More

A Global Crisis Demands a Global Solution

From The Times of Israel: UNITED NATIONS — The coronavirus pandemic is the worst global crisis since World War II, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday, expressing concern that it could trigger conflicts around the world. Guterres said that the scale of the crisis was due to “a disease that represents a threat to everybody in the world and… an economic impact that will bring a recession that probably has no parallel in the recent past.”

“The combination of the two facts and the risk that it contributes to enhanced instability, enhanced unrest, and enhanced conflict are things that make us believe that this is the most challenging crisis we have faced since the Second World War,” he told reporters. The New York-based United Nations was founded at the end of the war in 1945 and has 193 member states. “A stronger and more effective response… is only possible in solidarity if everybody comes together and if we forget political games and understand that it is humankind that is at stake,” Guterres added. Read More

French President Emmanuel Macron the Leader of the World?

From CNN: France’s 42-year-old president, Emmanuel Macron, who has faced many challenges governing his country, is now positioning himself to take over the mantle of global leadership long reserved to the older leaders of China, Russia or especially the United States. And right now, he has no real challengers.

The vehicle of this leadership campaign is Macron’s proposal for a worldwide ceasefire — a truce everywhere from Afghanistan to Syria, Iraq and Yemen. And he says he’s a good part of the way there. There are five permanent members of the UN Security Council (France, China, Russia, Britain and the US) and four of the five are on board, according to Macron.

The most surprising part of this article – that at the same time made me smile – was towards the end. The writer ends of the article pitching the idea that maybe Emmanuel Macron is the global leader we need right now. Read More

Indeed, it would appear that the world could use a new leader in this time of crisis — one who is prepared to put global interests above personal or political aggrandizement. And until the United States is prepared to offer such an individual, there may be no better to fill that void than France’s young, fresh voice: Emmanuel Macron.

Now, I want to make it clear that I’m not saying Emmanuel Macron is the antichrist. The purpose in me highlighting this article is to show the mindset that’s currently out there. The stage is being set for the one world government and the antichrist to take charge of it for a desperate world.

More Globalization is the Answer to Coronavirus Crisis

From Breitbart: Executives with the George W. Bush Presidential Center say more globalization of the American economy is the answer to the Chinese coronavirus crisis, not the problem. In an op-ed published in Real Clear World, Managing Director of the George W. Bush Institute-SMU Economic Growth Initiative Matthew Rooney writes that the policies of free trade, mass immigration, and globalization must be embraced further by the U.S. after the crisis is over. Economic nationalism, Rooney writes, must be rejected:

As COVID-19 spreads and stresses healthcare infrastructure around the world, governments and civil society are racing to slow the pandemic by distancing people from one another. Meanwhile, in the United States and in other developed countries, there is a rising chorus of voices who argue that we must deglobalize, dismantle international supply chains, reduce international trade and travel, and close our borders to the world.

The danger of a pandemic did not arise because of globalization. Pandemics have appeared periodically throughout history. Deglobalizing will not protect us from pandemics in the future. On the contrary, we will ultimately come to see that global cooperation is key to responding successfully to pandemics.

Obviously, in the ongoing crisis, our top priority must be the health and safety of our families, our neighbors, and our national community. We must be prepared to do what it takes to “flatten the curve” of infection, and to spend what it takes to prevent economic collapse.

But when the crisis is over, and we have defeated the virus and people are back at work and we are all able to go out for dinner again, we must be ready to come together around a new strategy for globalization that secures its benefits and cures its ills. It will take American leadership and political will, but we know what needs to be done and have successfully met greater challenges in the past. Read More

Prophetic Implications

We’re not only seeing calls for a global governing system to be established but also for a single individual to rise up in the midst of turmoil and bring “peace” to the world. As we see an increase in calls for the establishment of a global government and a man to take the reigns of this system, how much closer are we really to the tribulation period and the rapture? I’ve said it time and time again but we can truly see the stage being set rapidly for the tribulation period and based on God’s word, things won’t be slowing down anytime soon.


  1. Gordon Brown calls for global government to tackle coronavirus (March 26th, 2020) – The Guardian
  2. Coronavirus the worst global crisis since WWII, says UN chief (April 1st) – The Times of Israel
  3. France’s Macron positioning himself as leader of the world (April 15th, 2020) – CNN
  4. George W. Bush Center: More Globalization Is the Answer to Coronavirus Crisis (April 16th, 2020) – Breitbart

Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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