HomeEncouragement12 Compelling Reasons to Study Bible Prophecy

12 Compelling Reasons to Study Bible Prophecy

Bible prophecy is one area of scripture that is often misunderstood or ignored. Is there any benefit to studying it or is it all simply "gloom and doom" as many perceive it to be? I believe studying bible prophecy has tremendous value for 12 reasons.

Listen to Part 1 and Part 2 on Podcast.

Bible prophecy is often misunderstood or ignored for a variety of reasons. Some Christians simply find it scary or depressing, while others question if having a knowledge of events so far off in the future has any significance for their life now.

The sensationalization of certain aspects of bible prophecy can also impede those who may be curious. Knowing this, are there valid reasons we should study bible prophecy as Christians? Is there anything to gain from it or is it all simply “gloom and doom” as many perceive it to be?

I believe studying bible prophecy has tremendous value in the life of a believer for 12 reasons. This isn’t an exhaustive list but simply something I’ve put together to communicate the importance of this area of scripture. 

Interwoven Throughout Scripture

First, bible prophecy should be studied because it’s interwoven throughout scripture, both the Old and New Testaments. Although my primary focus is on eschatology – the study of the end – we can see bible prophecy from as early as Genesis in Genesis 3:15 with the proclamation of a future Messiah.

Another example of this is in Isaiah 9:6-7. Verse 6 speaks of the Lord’s first coming which we celebrate as the first advent of the Lord on Christmas. However, verse 7 awaits its fulfillment during the millennium kingdom.

Ed Hindson in his book, Future Glory, he speaks on the abundance of bible prophecy throughout scripture, specifically here focusing on the first and second advents of the Lord stating, “Although Christians are most familiar with the first coming of Christ, it is the second coming that gets the most ink in the Bible. References to the second coming outnumber references to the first by a factor of eight to one. Scholars count 1,845 biblical references to the second coming, including 318 in the New Testament.

And this is just about the Lord’s first and second advents and yet, scripture speaks about so much more. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Paul makes it clear that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work”.

“All scripture” includes the portion of scripture that’s prophetic. God, the creator of the heavens and the earth saw it fit to reveal certain things to us in His word, part of this being prophetic truth.

This means He had a reason to reveal it to us knowing that it would be for our benefit. Due to this fact alone, bible prophecy should be read, taught and wrestled with, just like any other part of scripture.

Deepens Our Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation

Second, the study of bible prophecy deepens our understanding of God’s plan of salvation. We often focus on the first 2 tenses of salvation, justification and sanctification (and rightly so as they’re significant in the life of a believer). However, in my experience, the third tense of salvation, glorification, is often given a quick mention without much teaching given to it.

In 1 Corinthians 15:12-58, Paul spends a considerable amount of time on the subject of the resurrection and our future glorification. In verses 12-19, he addresses the view of those who claimed there is no resurrection. Then in verses 20-49, he talks about the order and nature of the resurrection, ending the chapter with what will occur during our resurrection/glorification in verses 50-58.

He stresses the importance of the resurrection first to make the case that it’s due to the truth and reality of the resurrection that we are saved and no longer in our sins. Then he makes it clear that Jesus’ resurrection is also meant to be seen as the “first fruits” of things to come (1 Corinthians 15:20).

When Paul uses the term “first fruits”, he’s referring to the feast of first fruits described to us in Leviticus 23:9-14 and Deuteronomy 26:1-10. The Israelites were to bring the first of their produce as an offering to God as a remembrance of God’s faithfulness. It also served as a guarantee of the remaining harvest. Using this imagery, Paul communicates to us that Christ’s resurrection also served as a promise of our future resurrection.

Many of us grasp the importance of the resurrection as proof of Jesus’ claim to divinity and serves as victory over the power of sin. This is true and immensely significant. Due to His death, burial, and resurrection, we are saved from God’s wrath and enter into a relationship with God, through Christ – justification. We are then sealed with the Holy Spirit who helps us grow in our relationship with God for the remainder of our lives – sanctification.

But it doesn’t end here. We also await a future “salvation”, the salvation of our bodies – glorification (Romans 8:23). This means that because Jesus was raised from the dead, it should give us hope and assurance that we will also be raised from the dead or glorified one day.

On the Prophecy Pros podcast, Todd Hampson related the significance of bible prophecy in the life of a believer to the fact that it ties into our salvation stating, “The teaching of prophecy and eschatology is directly tied to salvation. We’re saved from our sin, we’re being saved from the power of our sin and one day we’ll be saved from the presence of our sin…,” (Season 10, Episode 6: 5 Ways to Introduce Bible Prophecy in Your Church).

Deepens Our Understanding of the Rest of Scripture

Third, bible prophecy should be studied because it deepens a believer’s overall understanding of the rest of the Bible. Oftentimes, as you study one part of scripture, it’ll lead you to cross references and other passages in other chapters or books. Bible prophecy is no exception to this.

When you study bible prophecy, you’re not studying it in isolation from the rest of scripture. As I discussed in my first point, it’s interwoven throughout all of scripture. As you dive deeper into it you come to see how it ties into the totality of scripture. Through this, you naturally gain a deeper appreciation for God’s word.

Helps Us Better Understand God’s Prophetic Plan

Fourth, by studying bible prophecy, we get a better grasp of God’s prophetic plan. This point ties back into the previous one; as you gain a deeper understanding of what God’s planning to do in the future, you come to understand how He’s worked in the past and is working in the present to bring those plans to fruition.

This is especially necessary in the days we’re living in where everything is subject to change. We’ve seen that nothing – except for God and His Word – is solid enough to put our hope and trust in. In my experience, many Christians understand that upon death we go to heaven, and that’s about the extent of their eschatological knowledge. For those who even know about the rapture, their knowledge ends with us being taken by Jesus to heaven, but what’s next?

When we come to understand that God’s on the throne and that nothing going on in our world today catches Him by surprise but instead fits perfectly into His ultimate purpose, it gives us peace and hope in the one who holds the future. By understanding God’s prophetic plan, we set ourselves apart from the world because we know where things are headed.

This in turn gives us a proper framework for understanding and interpreting current events in light of God’s ultimate plan. It helps believers make sense of the complexities of the world and maintain a biblical perspective. With this perspective, we can then point others to Christ as the only hope in this chaotic world.

Reminds Us that God is Sovereign

Fifth, Bible prophecy reminds us that God is sovereign. A better understanding of God’s perfect plan should lead us to better grasp His sovereignty over the affairs of man. He’s sovereign over every minute detail in each of our lives as well as every major event on the world stage.

As the world seemingly continues to fall apart all around us, it’s encouraging to know that there’s a God in heaven who is in control of it all. Everything occurring is by His sovereign will in order to bring about His ultimate purposes.

We see this expressed well in Psalm 2. The chapter shows us that although the powerful leaders of the earth rebel against God, what is His response? Is it fear, anxiety, or panic? No. He sits on His throne and laughs because man’s plans against an all-powerful God are futile.

If this is how our God responds in the face of man’s schemes against Him, why should our response as God’s children be any different? In Isaiah 46 we learn an important lesson concerning God’s sovereignty ,

Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ Calling a bird of prey from the east, The man who executes My counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it. (Isaiah 46:9-11)

The Lord is the only one that can declare the “end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done…” He’s also the one that will “bring it to pass” concerning the things He’s spoken. This should further highlight to us that everything occurring in the world today is merely working to fulfill God’s perfect plan.

Reminds Us that God is Good

Sixth, the study of bible prophecy further demonstrates God’s goodness to us. It’s because of bible prophecy that we can come to learn about the amazing promises He’s made to us regarding our future. We can look forward to reuniting with departed believers (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), our glorification (1 Corinthians 15:51-53), reigning and ruling with Christ (Revelation 20:4-6), and much more. I delve into this further in my article, Beyond the Blessed Hope.

We don’t deserve any of these things but it’s out of His love and goodness towards us that He’s promised these things to us. Another way we see His goodness is through His eventual judgment of the wicked. As we see immorality increase, the righteous suffer, and the wicked seem to not only get a free pass but prosper, it’s important to remember that nothing gets past the notice of God. He sees everything going on and will provide justice one day because He is good. 

Motivates Us to Holy Living

Seventh, Bible prophecy should be studied because it motivates us to holy living. One passage I often reference to make this point is 2 Peter 3:10-13. Peter speaks to us concerning the future destruction of this current heavens and earth to make way for the new heavens and earth (Revelation 21:1-8). He then uses our understanding of this future event to get us to consider how we should live in the present.

Sometimes the critique that is made against those who study bible prophecy is that it’s not significant to our lives now. According to 2 Peter 3:10-13, however, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Although Peter’s focus in this passage is specific to the destruction of the current heavens and earth and the arrival of the new heavens and earth, the scope is still the same – future events.

And the application here is just as relevant to any other future event that the bible speaks about; that having an understanding of what’s to come should cause us to live differently in the present. This eternal perspective should properly shape our lives now.

John alludes to this same truth in 1 John 3:2-3, “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.”, (1 John 3:2-3, NKJV).

John communicates to us that at the Lord’s “revealing” we will be like Him and see Him as He is and everyone that has this hope (concerning His revealing or the rapture) “purifies himself”. In James 5, after spending some time rebuking the rich in verses 1-6, James uses the situation of their day to call fellow believers to patience and perseverance using the Lord’s coming to do so (James 5:7-8). 

After encouraging fellow believers about this yet future event he then uses that to call them to holy living (James 5:9-12). He links this call to holy living with the understanding that “the judge is standing at the door” (James 5:9), an allusion to the judgment seat of Christ. I could refer to passage after passage but the message is clear, an understanding of bible prophecy motivates us to holier living now.

Helps Us to Establish Proper Priorities

Eighth, a study of bible prophecy helps us establish proper priorities. It’s often said that “bible prophecy is meant to prepare, not scare” and I truly believe that. Bible prophecy correctly taught and correctly understood should lead to this as a natural outcome. We’ve just seen how bible prophecy motivates us to holy living which is one outcome of proper priorities being established. It causes us to have an eternal focus rather than simply setting our gaze on this world and by doing so, our priorities naturally change.

Jesus encourages us to do this very thing in Matthew 6:19-21 by telling us to store treasures in heaven (to be heavenly minded) rather than on earth, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”.

It’s only when we have an eternal and heavenly perspective that we strive to lay treasures in heaven as Jesus says we should. We can only do this as we seek to carry out God’s will for our lives on earth and serve Him with an eternal hope in mind.

Gives Us Hope

Ninth, studying bible prophecy gives us hope which can only be found in Jesus. In Revelation 19, John falls at the feet of the angel who shows him Babylon’s destruction and heaven’s exultation to worship him. He’s rebuked for doing so and is told something interesting in the process, “And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, “See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy,'” (Revelation 19:10, NKJV).

What we’re being told here is that the essence of bible prophecy is Jesus. Bible prophecy points to Him. For the believer, this means that bible prophecy should set our minds on Christ and remind us that everything occurring in the world today shows us that we are in the season of His return which should encourage us! It’s known as the “blessed hope” for a reason (Titus 2:13).

For non-believers, bible prophecy should display to them the trustworthiness of scripture, pointing them to Christ. If God is correct about prophetic events that means He’s correct about our sinful nature, the punishment we rightly deserve, and also the solution to the problem that He’s already provided for in Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:1-5).

Bible prophecy also gives us hope through the trials and tribulations we face in this life. Some of us may be dealing with difficult circumstances and knowing that the life we’re living now is not all there is in terms of what God has in store for us gives us hope for what’s to come. Paul alludes to this in Romans 8:18 by stating, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

On the Prophecy Pros podcast, Todd Hampson put it this way, “…As believers, we’re people of reflection and anticipation. We reflect on what Christ has done already and we celebrate that and I think that’s where most of the church is. Reflect on Christ and live for today, but we also have to remember we’re people of anticipation. We have an amazing future to look forward to. We need to cast that vision…,” (Season 10, Episode 7: Five Compelling Reasons Pastors Should Teach Prophecy).

Motivates Us to Love

Tenth, a careful study of bible prophecy should motivate us to love. As our priorities shift, it should cause us to strive to be good stewards of everything the Lord has blessed us with, including our relationships. In Hebrews 10, Paul tells fellow believers to encourage one another and even more so as we “see the Day approaching” an allusion to the Lord’s appearing, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.,” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

In order to be able to discern that the day is “approaching” we’d need to be able to know what the bible says the last days will look like preceding the Lord’s return, and from that understanding, be able to properly discern the signs and act on it. In James 5, James warns believers not to “grumble against one another” because the “judge is standing at the door” (James 5:9), a reference to the imminence of the Lord’s return and the judgment that will occur afterward at His judgment seat.

Serves as an Apologetic

Eleventh, as we study bible prophecy we’ll come to the understanding that it also serves as an apologetic, meaning, we can use bible prophecy as evidence for the truth of God’s word. From the prophecies regarding Jesus’ first coming, the scattering and gathering of Israel in the last days, to the rise and fall of nations detailed in Daniel, fulfilled bible prophecy shows us the trustworthiness of God’s word.

When you show others how past prophecies have been fulfilled, it adds to our confidence that prophecy regarding the future will be fulfilled in like manner. For believers, this deepens our faith and confidence in God and His word. It also adds “tools” to our toolbox so to speak when it comes to evangelism. With these facts, we can go into the world and share this with others.

For nonbelievers, it shows them that the bible isn’t a book of fairytales but can be trusted and believed. If the bible has been true about past events and will be true about future events, that means it’s true in everything it speaks on, including sin, humanity’s fall, God’s holiness, and His judgment against sinful men, but also His love for humanity and the sacrifice of His son on the cross.

Gives Us Urgency to Share the Gospel

And lastly, a study of bible prophecy gives us an increased urgency to share the gospel. Earlier, we took a look at 2 Peter 3:10-13 to make the case that bible prophecy encourages us to live out holy lives, but what we see in verses 1-7 is Peter’s description of the mocking that will occur in the last days regarding the Lord’s coming and an explanation in verses 8 and 9 regarding His patience towards the world as He wants all to come to repentance.

So, if we understand that the Lord could return for us any moment now, taking His church out of the world and thereby bringing a start to His judgment on an unrepentant world, how much more should we be sharing the gospel to our unsaved family members, coworkers, and friends? 

Bible prophecy gives us the perspective that the time we have left on the earth is very limited and we should make the most of it. A large part of this is how we’re sharing the gospel with those in our sphere of influence.

Like any other portion of scripture, bible prophecy is important information communicated to us by the God of the universe for a purpose. When we carefully and diligently study it, we learn to understand it correctly which helps us sift through the sensationalism and incorrect interpretations.

When we study bible prophecy, we come to understand that it’s purposefully woven throughout scripture, it deepens our understanding of God’s plan of salvation, and it helps us better understand God’s prophetic program. It reminds us that God is sovereign and deepens our understanding of the rest of scripture.

It shows us that God is good as we see this through His promises to us and His future judgments. It motivates us to live holy lives now, sets our priorities right, gives us hope, encourages us to love, serves as an apologetic, and reminds us that our time’s short, giving us an urgency to share the gospel while we still have time. Bible prophecy shouldn’t be ignored or approached with fear, but it should be studied and embraced along with the rest of scripture.

Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.


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