HomeAntisemitismTo my Fellow Christians, Here is Why Replacement Theology is Wrong and...

To my Fellow Christians, Here is Why Replacement Theology is Wrong and Antisemitic

Some of my pastoral friends recently put up a sign against boycotting Israel at a Christian resources exhibition in Britain, and unfortunately, they suffered animosity from antisemitic clergymen passing by their booth. The last thing Christians should be is antisemitic! God’s Word and name are at stake in the restoration of the Jewish people.

I couldn’t help but share this article from Israel365News when I first came across it. As I posted in my previous article regarding replacement theology here, it matters that we have a correct understanding of what God’s Word says about His people and the promises He has made to them.

To say that God has forsaken His covenant people would be to call Him a liar and bring into question His character and trustworthiness. Because we can be confident that God will keep all His promises to the Jewish people, we can put our complete trust in Him regarding all the promises He’s made us.

Israel365News: To Christians, I pose an important question: of what significance is the fact that once again the world has a Jewish state?

Unfortunately, some stubborn churchmen hold an erroneous position called “Replacement Theology,” or Supersessionism, claiming that God has somehow replaced his covenant people Israel with the Church — despite the fact that the true Church of genuine believers sprung from Israel’s roots!

Many misguided “replacement” theologians ignorantly and dangerously engage in antisemitism claiming that God wrote off Israel a long time ago. But they are mistaken, and they must not be our spiritual mentors!

Anti-Israel clergy reveal their appalling ignorance of the Word of God and the prophetic days in which we are living, and they also reveal their ignorance of the character of Israel’s covenant-keeping God. Since 1948 when Israel was reborn in a day, fulfilling Isaiah 66: 8, the God of Israel has given notice— the Church Age is winding up. Unfortunately, not every clergyman has read the memo in the Bible! 

A century ago and especially during the Holocaust, the rebirth of Israel seemed impossible, but current events have a way of catching up with biblical prophecy. Israel as an established fact inspires honest eschatologists to readjust their Bible prophecy charts. Now all sorts of current events are catching up with prophecies made long ago in the Bible.

Whether or not it is politically correct, the truth is —God has committed himself for the long haul to the Jewish people and to the reconstituted nation of Israel. He hasn’t abandoned Israel; the nation of Israel is not an anomaly on the political landscape, but a fulfillment of the Bible’s prophecy! 

In fact, God states in his Word that he favors the return of the Jewish people to their Promised Land in the Last Days.

Although God cares about justice and the fate of all people, including my Palestinian friends, at the same time he expects the Arab world to make room for the return of the Jews as prophesied. The Law of Return is an undeniable precept in the Torah (Deuteronomy 30: 5). Leviticus 26:44 records a promise that the Jewish people carried into exile. God said even when they are existing in the land of their enemies, he will not cast them away, nor break his covenant with them— “for I am the LORD their God.” Additionally, other verses state that the Almighty will not forsake his people for the sake of his great name. For example, Ezekiel 36:22 declares, “It’s not for your sake, O house of Israel, that I will bring you back, but it will be for the sake of my holy name.” Read More


  1. To my fellow Christians, here is why Replacement Theology is wrong and antisemitic (February 13th, 2023) – Israel365News
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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