Rapture Kit
"A Rapture Kit is a resource designed to aid believers in actively praying for and reaching out to individuals who are not yet saved and in danger of being left behind after the Rapture." - rapturekit.org
The goal is two-fold:

Lead individuals to Jesus Christ BEFORE the Rapture
"We pray for and strongly suspect that many individuals that receive a Rapture Kit from a loved one (you, the sender of the Kit) might be curious enough about the Rapture and the Prophetic Timeline to yield to Jesus Christ now and thus escape the coming Tribulation period." - rapturekit.org
Lead individuals to Jesus Christ AFTER the Rapture
"If the Rapture Kit recipient is left behind, it Kit will explain what just happened in order to fight deception coming from the Antichrist World System narrative. We speak honestly, directly, and in some cases very bluntly about what Tribulation Saints need to know and do. Always, in love, and always intentionally pointing to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the one and only way to Salvation and an eternally secure future." - rapturekit.org