HomeWorld NewsIsrael simulates an earthquake, with casualties at 7,000 people

Israel simulates an earthquake, with casualties at 7,000 people

Last year, I wrote an article titled A Great Earthquake that focused on two articles that talked about a possible devastating future earthquake in Israel that could leave 7,000 people dead, seemingly mirroring Revelation 11:13 of a great earthquake that will kill 7,000 people,

An article by The Times of Israel on August 12th, 2019 reported on one of the largest Israeli naval exercises, dubbed “Mighty Waves 2019”. The simulation brought together representatives from 10 other nations as well as NATO, “The United States, France, and Greece fully participated in the exercise, sending ships and personnel to Haifa to take part in drills alongside their Israeli counterparts. Representatives from Cyprus, Chile, Italy, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and NATO observed and took part in non-physical aspects of the drill.”

It was also the nation’s first exercise solely dedicated to earthquake response, “The naval drill had two main goals: to practice setting up a “sea gate,’ through which the majority of the humanitarian aid Israel would need in the aftermath of a massive earthquake would pass, and, more generally, to learn how to more efficiently work with the various national and international organizations that would be involved in the disaster relief work.”

The article cited that part of the reason for the earthquake exercise was due to the fact that Israel currently lies on the Syrian-African rift. The last major earthquake in the region occurred in 1927 “a 6.2-magnitude tremor that killed 500 people and injured 700”.

The specific type of earthquake they were simulating was a “7.5-magnitude quake striking the Beit Shean Valley in northern Israel, killing 7,000 people, injuring thousands more, damaging hundreds of buildings and leaving over 150,000 homeless”.

A Great Earthquake

As stated earlier in the article, this isn’t the first time the number 7,000 has been mentioned when talking about the casualties that may result in a devastating earthquake in Israel. In an article titled After tremors, experts warn a huge quake is the greatest threat facing Israel posted by The Times of Israel last year they stated, “Col. Itzik Bar from the IDF’s Home Front Command, put expected casualties from a major quake at 7,000 dead and 200,000 homeless”.

Similarly an article posted by The Jerusalem Times last July titled, Comptroller: Israel is not ready for a Major Earthquake gave a similar warning, “The State Comptroller’s Office stated that according to information received by the government, the situation it needs to prepare for could result in an estimated 7,000 people killed, another 8,600 seriously injured, 37,000 lightly injured, 9,500 trapped in rubble and 170,000 left homeless”.

Below are 3 more sources I discovered while doing some extra research for this article that gives the same numbers.

  1. The Guardian, Israel earthquake could kill 7,000, disaster forecasts claim (October 25th, 2013) – “An estimated 7,000 people could be killed, tens of thousands injured and a further 200,000 left homeless if a powerful earthquake struck Israel, a government minister has warned following six separate tremors over the past week.”
  2. Haaretz, Israel Is Hundreds of Years Overdue for a Massive Earthquake (February 13th, 2019) – Here are more statistics: “Once every 1,000 years, Israel is shaken by a quake bad enough to leave 70,000 people homeless and could kill several thousand. And once every 2,500 years, we can expect a quake that leaves 200,000 homeless and could kill at least 7,000 people, estimate the statisticians.”
  3. Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), Israel feels ramifications of 4.8 magnitude earthquake (May 16th, 2019) – “In 2016, the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee’s Home Front Readiness Subcommittee estimated that a 7.5 magnitude earthquake would kill 7,000 people, injure another 8,600 and leave 377,000 homeless, causing approximately NIS 200 billion ($56 billion) in damages.”

My goal for this article is to communicate the fact that I don’t believe that this is a coincidence. It would be one thing if all 6 articles gave varying estimates for the casualties but instead what we’re seeing is all the articles are getting the same number of 7,000 people killed while also reporting on various estimates for those injured and homeless.

For example the Times of Israel’s latest article lists the injured as “thousands” and the homeless at 150,000. Their article from 2018 gives an estimate of those homeless at 200,000, while Haaretz’ article written early this year gives an estimate of 70,000 people homeless.

The Jerusalem Post’s article also written in 2018 gives an estimate to the number injured at a combined figure of 18,100 and 170,000 left homeless while the JNS’ article puts the number of injured at 8,600 and homeless at 377,000. Despite some of these fluctuating estimates, the sources arrive at the same conclusion that 7,000 people dead from such an earthquake is a possible figure.

To the Christian, the specifics that makes up Revelation 11:1-14 along with the numerous confirmations we’re getting outside of the Bible shows us that this is more than a historically significant book, but rather God’s word. To the skeptic that still believes this may be nothing more than coincidences Christians are reading too much in to, I leave you with several questions:

  1. If the book of Revelation, at the most, only holds historic/religious value but isn’t from a supernatural source as some claim, how was John able to write about an earthquake that specifically occurs in Israel, and kills 7,000 people to the number despite this being written almost 2,000 years ago? Also, keep in mind the 6 above articles that state an earthquake in Israel that will kill the same number of people.
  2. Is it a coincidence that not just one, but 6 articles all state 7,000 people are likely to be killed by this earthquake in Israel matching what’s written in Revelation 11:13?

At the end of the day, this information concerning the future earthquake in Israel is important because it shows us how close the tribulation period is, and even closer, the rapture of the church. It’s a warning to those who have yet put their trust in Christ and a signpost to those eagerly waiting for his return. If this earthquake occurs 3 1/2 through the 7 year tribulation, and we’re already seeing articles regarding an earthquake in Israel that could kill 7,000 people, then logically how close are we? I encourage you to consider what’s been presented in this article.


  1. In largest-ever drill, Israeli Navy prepares for massive, devastating quake (August 12th, 2019) – The Times of Israel
  2. Israel feels ramifications of 4.8 magnitude earthquake (May 16th, 2019) – Jewish News Syndicate
  3. Israel Is Hundreds of Years Overdue for a Massive Earthquake (February 13th, 2019) – Haaretz
  4. Comptroller: Israel is not ready for a Major Earthquake (July 18th, 2018) – The Jerusalem Post
  5. After tremors, experts warn a huge quake is the greatest threat facing Israel (July 14th, 2018) – The Times of Israel
  6. Israel earthquake could kill 7,000, disaster forecasts claim (October 25th, 2013) – The Guardian

Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.


    • Thank you! I believe this is definitely something to keep an eye on as a sign of the times we’re living in.

  1. Very interesting post, brother. There is one other possible source for their estimate of 7000 – it would indicate a single source, but is not without the realm of possibility. The other possible source is Revelation 11, itself. However, that would imply that a spiritual leader(s) in Israel knows that the New Testament is True, and has put two and two together with seismic sciences… and that would imply some other things, too.

    • I appreciate the read and thank God he’s using news sources like these to show us how close we are to his return. I’ve thought about the 2nd scenario as well – where someone does believe in the NT and is somehow influencing the numbers on this. I’ve personally sort of ruled that out because these are Jewish news sources and is likely Messianic Jews aren’t behind it. But who know’s, ultimately God is sovereign and will use anything and anyone to send out a desired message.

      • For sure, ruling out the thought for lack of Christian influence is certainly the most logical response, but the possibility doesn’t necessarily imply that those using the numbers are believers in Christ; in fact if it were the case (and I’m not saying it is, only that its a possility) it would not imply Christian influence, but intentional Satanism (which is neither out of the realm of possibility – it is the dragon who gives the beast his throne (Rev 13:2).)

  2. thanks for posting this very well thought out article. One can’t deny numerous secular sources all agreeing on one key point – already recorded in the New Testament – millenia ago. Man tries to work out things according to his own thoughts and wisdom. But God can put those very thoughts and ideas in the mind of different – many people at the same time or over time, without them knowing that it was God. Caiphas prophesied of the death of Jesus of Nazareth by the Holy Spirit mind you because he was the anointed high priest, even though he thought with his rational mind that he was giving his peers the excuse for the death of the Messiah – which they refused to accept but rather called Himn an imposter and blasphemer. There are other examples in Scripture of ungodly men (women) having ‘ideas’ at critical periods of time

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