Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomeTechnologyGoogle Working on Smart Tattoo - "SkinMarks"

Google Working on Smart Tattoo – “SkinMarks”

This year already I’ve reported on Amazon’s new hand scanning technology they envision to be used as a payment method as well as quantum-dot tattoos which may be used in tandem with vaccinations. Many of us are already familiar with human implantable microchips as well as electronic tattoos. Now it’s being reported that Google is working on a new smart tattoo currently called “SkinMarks”.

What do all of these technologies have in common? They make for possible mark of the beast candidates. As I usually do with this topic, I want to stress the fact that I’m not claiming google skinmarks or any of the aforementioned technologies are the mark of the beast. My purpose in bringing this technology to the forefront is to ask the question could this type of technology eventually be used to bring about the ultimate fulfillment of the mark of the beast which is implemented during the tribulation?

And we have to be very clear of the context in which this mark of the beast is implemented, being the 7 year tribulation. Until the church is removed from this earth, and subsequently the antichrist is revealed, the mark of the beast will not come into play. However, as we see technologies like these become more prominent in society it should show us how close the tribulation period is.

Google working on smart tattoos that turn skin into living touchpad

From Telangana Today: Google is working on smart tattoos that, when applied to skin, will transform the human body into a living touchpad via embedded sensors. Part of Google Research, the wearable project is called “SkinMarks” that uses rub-on tattoos.

The project is an effort to create the next generation of wearable technology devices, the CNET reported citing white papers and demo videos. Here’s how the technology works. The sensor-driven tattoos are applied to a part of the body. The sensors can then be triggered by traditional touch or swipe gestures, like we perform on smartphones.

There are a few gestures that are more specific to working on the skin’s surface. “You could squeeze the area around the tattoo or bend your fingers or limbs to activate the sensors”. The researchers at Saarland University in Germany wrote in a white paper that the benefit of using skin as an interface “is tapping into the fine motor skills that human beings naturally have”.

The project is partly funded through Google Faculty Research Awards. Interacting with your own skin and limbs also means you can do it without looking. The tattoos are made by screen printing conductive ink onto tattoo paper. Some of the prototype tattoos include cartoon drawings or light up displays.

“Through a vastly reduced tattoo thickness and increased stretchability, a ‘SkinMark’ is sufficiently thin and flexible to conform to irregular geometry, like flexure lines and protruding bones,” the researchers wrote. Read More

Google is quietly experimenting with holographic glasses and smart tattoos

From cnet: A project called SkinMarks uses rub-on tattoos to transform your skin into a touchpad. The tattoos are made by screen printing conductive ink onto tattoo paper. The paper is then thermal-cured so it can be applied to the skin. Some of the prototype tattoos include cartoon drawings or light up displays. The experiment, led by researchers at Saarland University in Germany, is partly funded through a Google Faculty Research Award.

Google isn’t the only tech giant that has experimented with skin in moonshot projects. In 2017, Facebook unveiled a project that could let people “hear” and decipher words through vibrations on their skin. The concept is similar to braille, in which tiny bumps represent letters and other elements of language. But instead of running your hand over those bumps, you’d feel frequencies in different patterns on your forearm from a sleeve worn on your wrist.

The initiative was one of the marquee projects of Building 8, Facebook’s experimental hardware lab. After major struggles, the lab was shuttered a year later. Read More

Prophetic Implications

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17)

Not only are we seeing a variety of technologies (i.e. microchip implants, quantum-dot tattoos, smart tattoos) that could possibly be used in creating the mark of the beast that’s later implemented during the tribulation, the system itself is being set up all around us as the world seemingly is headed towards a cashless society, global governing system, and other totalitarian measures are being implemented due to the coronavirus pandemic.

For the believer, these are exciting times as we see the road being paved quite quickly now for the tribulation period. This should further add to our joy as it points to our soon redemption!


  1. Google working on smart tattoos that turn skin into living touchpad (July 27th, 2020) – Telangana Today
  2. Google is working on the next generation of wearable technology – smart tattoos (July 27th, 2020) – FastCompany
  3. Google is quietly experimenting with holographic glasses and smart tattoos (July 15th, 2020) – cnet
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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