covid vaccine certificate

Covid Vaccine Certificates Could Lead to ‘Global Identity Document’, Human Rights Group Warns

As governments around the world scramble to figure out ways to allow people safe reentry into society in tandem with the covid vaccine rollouts, some are sounding the alarm. What we've been seeing these past several months is the discussion, testing, and implementation of covid vaccine certificates that could essentially be used to strip freedoms away from those who aren't vaccinated. The bible is clear in Revelation 13:16-17 about what's coming and with news like this from secular sources it's becoming increasingly clear where things are headed.
singapore airlines

Singapore Airlines First to Launch Covid Passport

Singapore airlines is the first to launch a digital health passport system and I doubt that it'll be the first. What was seen by many as pure fiction or as a conspiracy theory has proven itself to be true. Throughout 2020, this has been merely a talking point but has now advanced to become an implemented system that may very well be integrated into every area of our life in the future. What we’re seeing being brought to fruition today – in my opinion – is part of what may very well be laying the groundwork for the mark of the beast system we read about in Revelation 13:16-17 that ultimately arises during the tribulation period.
Third Temple

Palestinians Fear UAE Will Help Israel Build Third Temple

In September, I reported on the Abraham Accords - a historic agreement in which the UAE and Bahrain formalized their relationship with Israel by normalizing ties. There were also discussions around that time that the normalization deals could possibly lead to increased Jewish presence on the temple mount, which I believed at the time, could further pave the way for the construction of the third temple. In what seems to be an update to this situation, we see now that the Palestinians are worried that the UAE may in fact help Israel build the third temple. Truly "step-by-step" Israel is getting closer and closer to building its third temple and the immense prophetic significance of this should not catch the bible believer by surprise.
digital currency bitcoin on a laptop

Japan Prepares for Digital Currency

In my previous article on digital currency I made the case that with China's efforts towards their digital yuan and with the launch of Facebook's digital currency Libra in January 2021, this will further add to the race towards a digital currency. This is the very thing we've seen with the European Central Bank (ECB) as they strive to remain competitive. Now Japan is also jumping on the bandwagon. I believe in the new year we'll be seeing much more of this from other nations.
coins on euro bills

Facebook’s Libra Currency Prompts ECB to Prepare for Digital Euro

In July, I called our attention to a digital dollar being looked into and now we also see China is well under way with their digital yuan which will no doubt cause other nations to jump on the bandwagon so as to not be outdone. And when we add Facebook's announcement concerning their own digital currency - Libra - to the mix, we see this is also adding further tension to this digital currency race. With cash, purchases and the activities of an individual remains anonymous. However, in a completely cashless system, not only can your purchases and activities be tracked, you can also be shut out of it if deemed necessary. This may just be the system needed to bring the mark of the beast system into full fruition during the tribulation.

‘Al Aqsa Mosque isn’t on Temple Mount’, Claims Saudi Media Report

Saudi Arabian lawyer and journalist Osama Yamani wrote an article claiming that the true location of the Al Aqsa Mosque which currently sits on the temple mount is actually near Mecca in Saudi Arabia. If this narrative grows within the Arab-Muslim world, it could cause their ties to the temple mount to be loosened, therefore giving the Jews an increased opportunity for their 3rd Temple efforts!

A Look Back at 2020’s Record Breaking Hurricane Season

As of November 2020, the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season has officially come to an end and as I reported in September, this season was everything but "average". The uptick in strange and severe weather patterns is causing confusion for many as they predict this trend to continue and increase in severity and intensity in the coming years. This scenario being the same thing Christians have been anticipating as the tribulation draws closer. For the bible believer, none of this catches us by surprise but instead validates God's word concerning what the last days will look like prior to Christ's return.
An alien coming into a dark tunnel

Aliens Exist but ‘Humanity Isn’t Ready’, Claims Former Israeli Space Security Chief

Former Israeli Space Security Chief Haim Eshed believes that the existence of UFOs have been kept secret because "humanity isn't ready". As strange as what Haim Eshed is alleging here may be, I do believe there's a deeper truth we should be paying attention to here, being the UFO phenomenon in general. How do we handle this as believers and learn how to properly discuss this issue to a God rejecting world looking for answers in all the wrong places?
Fourth industrial revolution

Great Reset: The Fourth Industrial Revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), according to Klaus Schwab is where we're headed to next. When we dig a little deeper into some of his ideas, we find that parts of the Fourth Industrial Revolution pertains to transhumanism. He believes it will change "who we are" and that it "may lead to human augmentation". He's also stated that the “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us". Here is your introduction to a bit of what's in store in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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