A Great Earthquake

The Rise of AI & A Race to Digital Identities

As the world advances in human-like AI technology and strives towards universal "digital identities", we seem to be headed towards a future dominated by AI and ruled by those who hold their citizen's personal data. Does the bible foretell of this type of future; a future of a global world system that has total control of the earth's inhabitants and an intelligent AI being that has power to kill?

“As it was in the Days of Noah…”

Recently, the first genetically altered twins have been born in China prompting global outcry as well as a call for legalization and safe practices for DNA altering technology. The Bible tells us there's nothing new under the sun so are we seeing a re-emergence of the events of Noah's time?

Scientific Study Reveals All Humans Descend From Two Parents

A new study concludes that all humans descended from just 2 people and that 9 out of 10 animal species originated from a single pair as well following a catastrophic event in the distance past. Does this sound familiar? It should. Another great example of science catching up to the bible.

Scientists Believe Major Calamity That Destroyed Cities in Dead Sea Region May Have Been...

Scientists believe that the destruction of the cities Sodom and Gomorrah from the bible may not only be accurate but that they may have found a probable cause for the 2 cities' destruction.

Prelude to the Mark of the Beast? II

Thousands of people in Sweden opt to get chipped as their society turns to a cashless one. UK employers are also thinking about chipping their employees but this does come with its privacy concerns. Are we seeing the beginning of what the bible tells us will eventually be the mark of the beast system?
dead sea

Dead Sea Coming to Life

The dead sea is one of the world's saltiest bodies of water with a salinity of 34.2%, it is 9.6 times as salty as the ocean making it a very harsh environment where plants and animals can't flourish or even survive. However, recently there's been small fish and vegetation found in sinkholes near the sea showing that it's coming to life. The bible states this will happen but is this just a big coincidence or one of many signs of the times we're living in?

Prelude to the Mark of the Beast?

China has recently began a pilot program they call a "social credit" system which they aim to use to monitor every aspect of their 1.4 billion citizens' lives. Meanwhile, a Wisconsin based company is making human implantable chips used to buy snacks, open doors and has GPS capabilities. Could we be seeing the making of the mark of the beast system written about in Revelation 13?
A Red heifer calf alongside another cow facing the camera

Red Heifer in Israel Signaling “Final Stage of Redemption”

In late August of 2018, a red heifer was born in Israel and marked a significant turning point for efforts surrounding the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, paving the way for rituals and sacrifices in Israel again after more than 2,000 years.

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