Wednesday, February 19, 2025
HomeReflectionCelebrating 5 Years of God's Faithfulness

Celebrating 5 Years of God’s Faithfulness

A reflection of God’s Faithfulness in my life

This month, I celebrate 5 years of Himitsu. 5 years ago, in February 2018, I decided to start a blog called “Himitsu” which, at the time, only functioned as a personal journal of sorts. It was meant to store my thoughts on scripture and that was the extent of my aspirations for it. However, what spurned me to do so was at the same time, I was desperately seeking the Lord to use me however He saw fit.

I simply wanted to be used by Him and prayed earnestly for Him to make known to me the skills and talents He created me with so that I could use those skills to glorify Him and encourage others. As I reflect back on those early days, I see that creating the blog, despite me at the time not really having any concrete plans for it, was merely the outworking of the journey I was undergoing to discover what the Lord would have me do with the abilities He gave me.

As I discovered my desire to share to others what was going on in the world in relation to bible prophecy, seeing the need amongst believers to be equipped to give an account of the hope they have in Christ, as we’re exhorted to in scripture (1 Peter 3:25), and wanting to share the gospel to the Japanese community, Himitsu quickly became a personal ministry.

5 years later and God has made this so much more than I could’ve imagined. He’s not only expanded this ministry but through it, He’s used it to grow me more in my personal walk with Him. Although the focus of this short article is a reflection of the past 5 years, it truly must be seen as a reflection of God’s goodness throughout the entirety of my life. I thank God for His faithfulness and grace first and foremost in drawing me to Himself and allowing me to come to the knowledge of the gospel.

I also thank Him for giving me the opportunity to serve Him in the capacities He’s allowed. Through this ministry, I’ve seen the understanding fellow believer’s have of scripture deepen, many being encouraged and excited for the return of our savior, others being equipped to more boldly share their faith, and most importantly, the gospel shared and proclaimed all over the world.

It’s always been my goal that if the Lord can use me to minister to, encourage, and share the gospel to at least one person, that would make it more than worth it. Today, that continues to be my goal. As the Lord wills, and with the remaining time He’s given us, Himitsu will continue to be a source of encouragement, exhortation, and teaching.

I’m also grateful to everyone reading this. I thank you for your reads, comments, shares, questions, insights, and support no matter the form it takes. I ask that you continue to pray for me and this ministry. That the Lord continues to use this ministry for His glory, that He continues to guide me and use me as He wills with the abilities and resources He’s given me. May this short reflection also serve as an encouragement for you to reflect on God’s goodness through your life and how He’s used you.

Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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