
The purpose of Himitsu is two-fold: to share the gospel with nonbelievers and equip fellow believers in their walk with the Lord. This is done primarily through the study of eschatology (bible prophecy regarding the last days), apologetics, and use of the Japanese language.


Bible prophecy (correctly taught and correctly understood) should point us back to Jesus (Revelation 19:10). This means for believers, having a proper understanding of what God's word says about future events should encourage and excite us, not scare us. It should set our focus on eternal things and cause us to loosen our grip on the things of this world. It should drive us to make proper use of the time we have left here on earth by being good stewards of what we've been given and by sharing the gospel with the lost. It should also motivate us to live holier among other things (Hebrews 10:25; 2 Peter 3:10-13; 1 John 3:2-3). For the nonbeliever, bible prophecy should display the trustworthiness of God's word leading them to the gospel.


Scripture commands us as believers to be able to give a defense for the hope that we have and to contend for the faith (1 Peter 3:15; Jude 1:3). Often times we've (knowingly or unknowingly) delegated this job to our pastors, teachers, parents, etc, as we sit on the sidelines. This isn't a job for a few studied "theologians", but rather, for every believer. Our goal at Himitsu is to provide a means by which believers can equip themselves in this area in order to address questions, correct misconceptions about the bible, and clearly share the gospel in their everyday lives.

Japanese - 日本語

“Himitsu” (秘密) is a Japanese word that means “secret”. This word was chosen due to the founder's love for the language and culture. At Himitsu, we strive to utilize our knowledge of Japanese in 2 ways: one is to share the gospel to the Japanese community and to also deepen the understanding Japanese Christians have of bible prophecy and apologetics through translated content. Our second goal is to equip native English speakers with a broader Christian and religion focused vocabulary in order to better evangelize to native Japanese speakers.

Meaning of "Himitsu"

In late 2017, Ayo, the founder of Himitsu, began to get more serious in his walk with the Lord and while doing so, encountered passages such as Proverbs 25:2 which served to encourage him in his personal study to dig deeper into God’s word. He chose the name “Himitsu” (秘密), or "Secret" because he believed it goes well with the idea of something being concealed and then searched out. This verse as well as the word “Himitsu” captures the beginning moments of an idea that eventually led to the birth of this ministry. It started with a passion to study the “secrets” of the bible many were unfamiliar with and to share that information with others. This, is the heart of Himitsu.

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