Thursday, January 30, 2025
HomeCoronavirusDoes the Mark of the Beast Currently Exist?

Does the Mark of the Beast Currently Exist?

Recently, I’ve been seeing an increase in Christians worrying that the mark of the beast is already here in some form. Whether people point to human implantable RFID chips, QR code tattoos and other technologies ominously bringing us to Revelation 13:16-17, or most notably as of recent, the covid vaccines. To be honest, I’ve debated for months if posting an article on this topic was necessary as I thought the answer was an “obvious” one.

However, after receiving messages from Christians who were confused, worried, or stressed over this issue, or worse, believed that they may end up in hell for taking the vaccine, it became clear to me that this has become an issue that is causing unnecessary fear and anxiety amongst fellow believers and due to that can’t be ignored. For one, this may be due to a lack of understanding what the bible says about the mark of the beast which prompts fear when something that appears to be similar make its way into our every day lives.

That’s understandable as we’re all in different places in our walk with the Lord and therefore have differing levels of knowledge and understanding in regards to bible prophecy. That’s why I hope an article such as this can shed some much needed light on the issue for those who find themselves in this category.

However, what we’re also seeing are those who truly believe the mark exists now and are telling people this is the case which is another cause of the fear. This is a problem because it sets believers who aren’t as solid in their understanding of bible prophecy in a state of confusion and worry which is a disservice to them. It is important we understand the proper context in which the bible talks about the mark so that we can dispel the fear surrounding current events.

Context is Key

So, are RFID chips, QR code tattoos (along with a plethora of other existing technologies), or the vaccine (vaccine passports or any type of vaccine that currently exists) the mark of the beast? No. The first reason we can say this is that much of what people are pointing to as the mark of the beast does not fit the definition of what the bible says it is, specifically in relation to the placement of this mark on the body, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads…” (Revelation 13:16). Although we are seeing people implant RFID chips into their hands, it’s not always specifically in their right hand. Neither are we seeing this placed in the forehead.

The same can be said of QR codes and electronic/smart tattoos of various kinds. For vaccines, this is an easier matter to address as the needle is injected into the arm, not the right hand or forehead. When we read about the mark of the beast in Revelation 13, we see that the context centers around the tribulation period and the advent and eventual rule of the beast from the sea (the Antichrist) and the beast from the earth (the false prophet) upon the entire earth (Revelation 13:1-13).

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16-17)

What this means is there will be no mark of the beast until both beasts (beast from the sea and beast from the earth) FIRST come to power; no beasts = no mark of the beast. I specifically mention the necessity of both beasts because although the mark itself is associated with the first beast, it’s the second beast that actually causes everyone on earth to take it (Revelation 13:16-17).

Have both of these figures come to power? No. Do we see the whole earth worship one man who is satanically inspired and has control over the whole earth (Revelation 13:2-8)? No. Do we see another man who has the same authority as him, can perform great signs, and causes the earth dwellers to worship the antichrist? No. These things that need to precede the actual implementation of the mark haven’t occurred yet.

Timing with the Tribulation

We must also remember that at the point in time that the mark of the beast is employed the tribulation will have already been in full swing, at most, 3 1/2 years would’ve elapsed for the antichrist to then rule for the remaining 3 1/2 years or 42 months (Revelation 13:5). Why is this important? Because God’s wrath would’ve already been poured out on the earth by way of the seal judgments and some of the trumpet judgments.

For example, with the opening of the first six seals we get the arrival of the antichrist unto the world stage (Revelation 6:1-2), peace being taken from the earth and people killing one another (Revelation 6:3-4), severe worldwide scarcity most likely due to famine and economic disturbances (Revelation 6:5-6), Death and Hades given power over a fourth of the earth to kill through a variety of means (Revelation 6:7-8), cry of the martyrs who were slain for their faith (Revelation 6:9-11), and lastly cosmic disturbances and an acknowledgment of God’s wrath (Revelation 6:12-17).

The simple question we have to ask ourselves when we understand that scripture places the mark of the beast within the tribulation period is have any of these judgments taken place? No. We haven’t seen any of these judgments transpire because we’re not in the tribulation. If these seal judgments which occur towards the beginning of the tribulation haven’t occurred yet, then we don’t have to worry that the mark of the beast already exists as it will be enforced starting at the midpoint of the tribulation.

The Image of the Beast

Another important point we have to consider is that the mark of the beast is also associated with the worship of the beast and its image (Revelation 14:9-11; 15:2; 20:4). Earlier I explained that before we get the mark of the beast we first need both beasts to arrive on the world stage and come to power.

It’s only after that that the second beast causes everyone to receive this mark. However, even before that the image of the beast must be created, “…telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed, (Revelation 13:14-15). Does the image of the beast currently exist? No. This image will be able to speak and cause those who don’t worship it to be killed. Do we currently see any type of image that exists in the world today that is directing worship to itself and causing those who don’t worship it to be killed? No.

While we the church are still on this earth, the Antichrist will be restrained. It’s due to this restraining influence that we have not seen the advent of the antichrist and the false prophet, the beginning of the tribulation, the start of God’s judgments upon an unrepentant mankind, the creation and worship of the image of the beast, and finally, the implementation of the mark of the beast.

Paul makes it clear to us that it’s only until the restrainer (the Holy Spirit indwelt church) is taken out (via the rapture) can the Antichrist come to power (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). Once that occurs, both beasts will then rise to power and the prophecies concerning these two end times figures will come to fruition. Due to these reasons, nothing that currently exists is the mark of the beast (eventually this will change once these events do take place in the future).

Hope not Fear

The purpose of this article isn’t to tell people to take or not to take a vaccine or promote any of the technologies I mentioned. My goal here was to look at what Revelation 13 says concerning the mark of the beast – keeping in mind the context given to us – in hopes of dispelling any fear people may have by thinking the mark currently exists.

In my opinion, anyone that truly believes that the opposite is the case (that the mark of the beast already exists in some form) does not have a proper understanding of this portion of scripture. With all this being said, do I believe some of the aforementioned technology and ideas being propagated in the minds of people today are setting the stage for the mark of the beast system?

Without a doubt. After all, this is something I’ve also been talking about for years. When we understand that what we’re seeing is simply the stage being set for the tribulation period, but we also know that the rapture of the church precedes this period of time, we should be filled with hope and joy, not fear.

Other articles in this series:

  1. What is the Prophetic Significance of the Third Temple?
  2. What is the Prophetic Significance of Digital Currency?
  3. What is the Prophetic Significance of the Abraham Accords?

Other Prophecy Questions:

  1. Is the Drying up of the Euphrates River a Fulfillment of Bible Prophecy?
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.


  1. I have a question that hopefully you folks at can answer. I have 7 grandchildren, the oldest is 10 & the baby is 5 months. Our entire family are Bible believing, Jesus loving, Baptists. When Jesus comes to get us, what are the rules concerning children? I know age is a factor, & whether or not they have accepted Jesus as their Lord & Saviour. I have looked in God’s Word for the answer, but I can’t find it. Thank you for your time.

    • Hello Kimberly. I appreciate your question. It’s a common one that comes up in these types of conversations. There is no place in the bible that speaks to the age of accountability, which is essentially the idea that you’re alluding to here. Unfortunately, God doesn’t tell us anywhere in His word that all children below the age of 13 will be raptured while those who are older remain (or something to that effect). The age where a child can truly understand the gospel could be different for each child as well. Although I cant answer your question as I myself don’t know, what we can place our confidence in is the fact that God is just and merciful. We may not get the answer we want regarding this age of accountability but in absence of that we know that our God is a just God and He has everything under control. In the meantime, our focus should be sharing/instilling the gospel to those around us, just like those grandkids of yours. I hope that helps a bit!

  2. Revelations was written in a language that used only one word for the area of your body that transcends from your fingers to your shoulder; that word is hand. So, if you are getting the covid jab in your right arm it falls under the definition of hand as written in revelations.

    • Hello Darm. Thanks for your comment! I’d personally need to look into the Greek to verify if what you’re saying is in fact the case, but nonetheless, that doesn’t invalidate the main point of the article. But let’s say what you state here is true. In the case that it is, there’s still other points I noted given the context of Revelation 13 that simply don’t match our current time period (i.e. no Antichrist, false prophet, or image of the beast, judgments preluding the middle of the tribulation haven’t occurred, etc). Hope that makes sense.

  3. I would say the Mark of the Beast does exist and is waiting to be implemented. Here is a video of banking insider Richard Werner warning CBDCs will be implanted as a microchip [in your hand].

    In the version of Revelation 13:16 you selected, the mark of the beast is ON their hand or ON their forehead. In older versions of the Bible it is IN the hand or IN the forehead.

    In the 1611 King James the mark of the beast is also IN your hand or IN your forehead.

    Here is a link from a follower of Christ explaining this point.

    I believe the mark of the beast is INSIDE your body [NOT a tattoo] and the microchip inside your hand fits perfectly. Incidentally, these microchips need to generate a little electricity to power the antenna. This has been implemented using a temperature differential circuit. The best area of the the body for such a circuit is either IN the web of skin between your thumb and forefinger or IN the brow of your forehead.

    • Hello! I appreciate your comment. As I elaborated in the article, I believe that to have the mark of the beast, you actually need the beast. What I believe we’re seeing is likely the groundwork being laid for that to be created in the future and then eventually implemented.

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