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HomeCoronavirusUN Designates February 4th as 'International Day of Human Fraternity'

UN Designates February 4th as ‘International Day of Human Fraternity’

The UN General Assembly adopts a resolution declaring 4 February as the International Day of Human Fraternity. It comes as the result of Christian-Muslim cooperation to promote peace, harmony and intercultural dialogue in the world.

In 2019, I reported that on February 4th, 2019, Pope Francis made a visit to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates where he met with Muslim leaders including one of the highest authorities in Islam, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, the imam of Al-Azhar for interfaith dialogue dubbed as the “Human Fraternity” meeting.

The purpose of the gathering was to stress the importance and need for tolerance, love, and peace among different faiths. As part of the meeting, they both signed a Human Fraternity document which touched upon topics such as financial inequality, violence in the name of religion, and an effort for Christians, Muslims, and others from the various religions to work together for peace and tolerance’s sake.

I encourage you to read my article on this for more details. Pope Francis has made it a personal goal of his to bridge any gaps that may exist between various faiths as he stresses the need for humanity to come together in the name of tolerance and “human fraternity” all the while skipping the gospel that truly saves.

His efforts have now (unsurprisingly) caught the attention of the United Nations (UN) which now has declared February 4th to be “International Day of Human Fraternity”. It’s also worth noting that this move was a response to the coronavirus pandemic of all things. Personally, this doesn’t surprise me.

As the tribulation looms over the horizon, we should be expecting further moves being made towards broader religious tolerance leading into a global religious movement of sorts. But now it isn’t just Pope Francis and the Vatican pushing this, but their allies at the UN. Don’t be deceived, we are not all God’s children, nor are all religions the same. Salvation can only come through Christ and Christ alone (John 14:6).

Human Fraternity
Image by Nacho Arteaga via Unsplash

UN declares 4 February ‘International Day of Human Fraternity’

From Vatican News: Fratelli tutti, the recent encyclical of Pope Francis on fraternity and social friendship, as well as the “Document on Human Fraternity”, signed by him and the grand imam of Al Azhar last year, have found a strong echo in the halls and corridors of the United Nations. 

The UN General Assembly on 21 December adopted a resolution declaring 4 February as the International Day of Human Fraternity. The day is to be observed each year, beginning in 2021.

The Assembly invited the Member States, the United Nations system and others to observe the annual day in a manner they would each consider appropriate to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue.

The representative of the United Arab Emirates introduced the resolution on behalf of several countries, saying the move is a response to growing religious hatred amid the Covid‑19 pandemic. 

The resolution expressed deep concern at acts that advocate religious hatred and thereby undermine the spirit of tolerance and respect for diversity. It noted that this is especially happening at a time when the world is faced with the unprecedented crisis of the pandemic, which requires a global response based on unity, solidarity and renewed multilateral cooperation.

The Assembly recognized the valuable contribution of people of all religions or beliefs to humanity and the contribution that dialogue among all religious groups can make towards improved awareness and understanding of the common values shared by all humankind. 

It underscored the importance of raising awareness about different cultures and religions or beliefs. This includes education in the promotion of tolerance, which involves in the acceptance and respect for religious and cultural diversity and expression.

In this, regard, it stressed that that education, in particular at school, should contribute in a meaningful way to promoting tolerance and the elimination of discrimination based on religion or belief. 

The General Assembly resolution acknowledged that tolerance, pluralistic tradition, mutual respect and the diversity of religions and beliefs promote human fraternity. Read More


  1. UN declares 4 February ‘International Day of Human Fraternity’ (December 24th, 2020) – Vatican News
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo Shosanya
Ayo is a determined blogger striving to use his insights and God given talents to share the Gospel. He aspires to point skeptics to the truth of the Gospel using apologetics. His goal is to also inform others of the times we're living in preceding the Lord's soon return, through the study of prophecy. He hopes to both inform his readers with facts, equip them with tools to communicate the Gospel, and offer hope and encouragement through God's Word.

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